Friday, May 6, 2011

Spring Break!!!!!!!!

Yes, I know...I've been home for two weeks, but I'm just getting around to posting my Spring Break photos...that's just how I roll.  We had a great time, though.  It was a late Spring Break this year, but the snow was still flying in Wyoming, so we decided to head down to the ranch in Arizona.  After a hard two-day drive in the motor home, we got to Quartzsite around 10:30 at night on Saturday the 16th (of April).

Roger & Luke came to hang with us on Sunday, and we spent the day shooting from under a was a bit warm for us northerners, but a great day anyway.  Here's Luke shooting his .22:

And just posing for a picture:

Here's Roger obliging me with a photo as well:

Roger & Luke had to head for home Sunday evening, and we spent the rest of the week riding the quads, taking walks, and hanging out with our friends Lee & Kathy who live in Quartzsite full-time. 

It's me, Waldo & a saguaro...

...and Noah & Waldo out on a walk.

Here are Lee & Kathy the day we went out on a quad-runner ride to see the Big Foot.  And  here it is:

Judge for yourself!

And it's me, Buckskin Lily, in front of a blooming ocotillo.  Isn't it great???

I also spent some time taking photos of some of the cool desert stuff.  Like this:

Looks a little like a crocodile, doesen't it?

And this...

And this:

There was more, but that's probably enough for now.  Sorry I've been a bit neglectful of my blog...but with the new job, I've been too tired to get around to this.  HOWEVER,  Summer Vacation starts in only 2 1/2 weeks, so I'll have lots of time & lots of exciting news to thrill you with soon.  Keep your eyes peeled & I will talk to all of you really soon.  Until then...

Lots of love,


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