Buckskin models her last-minute, emergency ear plugs...guess what they're made out of????
Noah & I had to get up bright & early on Saturday, July 3rd to report to our 4th of July float. Our shooting club, the Colter's Hell Vigilance Committee was sponsoring a float in the Cody, WY 4th of July Stampede Parade. The parade runs on the 3rd and 4th every year. We've been observers in the crowd for the past 5 years, so I decided it was time to get in on the action & be part of putting on a show for the tourists.
It was great fun. We decorated our very un-PC float the night before (with some very pointed commentary on the wolf situation). Then we all rendevoused the next morning at 7:30 to blow up balloons & drive the float over to the step-off area behind the BBHC (that's the Buffalo Bill Historical Center for all of you out-of-towners). Things ran smoothly & we took our first run down Sheridan on Saturday morning. It took us about 30 minutes to make it down the street waving and shooting blanks out of our pistols at every opportunity. It was great to see the crowd react. We had mostly cheers, clapping & thumbs up; though we did get a couple of jeers & an "F" you. But positive comments definitely out-weighed the negatives.
Sunday, morning, the 4th was even more fun. The crowd was much larger & we shot off more rounds than we had on the 3rd. We also took a 2nd place ribbon in the Theme category, so that was a nice plus for the day.
All in all, it was great fun & I can't wait until next year to do it all over again. NOTE: Mini Tootsie Rolls do NOT make good emergency ear plugs. They do block the noise, but getting them out of your ears afterwards is not so easy. I think I still have little brown bits stuck in my ears!!
Sorry I've been very remiss in keeping up with my blog the past few months, but I've been working on a huge project for work (it's finally finished now--at least I hope it is!!). So I should have a little more time to keep you all caught up on all of our latest adventures. Noah & I are heading up to Montana for a little vacation tomorrow, so I'll tell you all about it when we get back around the 17th or so. Bye for now & I'll be writing again soon!
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